3rd Charity Luncheon with Elderly and Orphans

Yayasan Nanyang Press with the greatest support from Bao Bei Reading Wonderland, continues to uphold the spirit of the previous year’s event by once again organizing “The Gratitude & Contentment Charity Luncheon for Elderly and Orphans” on 2nd November 2014, to be held at the Grand Imperial Restaurant, Sunway. Our media partners will be Nanyang Siang Pau, China Press, Life TV, Feminine and Pelajar Bulanan.

Yayasan Nanyang Press will invite 80 orphans from different orphanages, 80 living in poverty or from a nursing home for the elderly, and 160 from the generous public. The concept for this year is the same as last year’s – when a person purchases a charity ticket, he or she will be encouraged to sponsor another ticket for an orphan or elderly. Similarly, buying two tickets means a person will be sponsoring another two tickets to the orphans or elderly. One may choose to sponsor tickets for either the orphans or the elderly.

The orphans and elderly will be sitting together with their donors. This creates an opportunity for them to know each other, to better understand what they really need and learn from each other, which will make the luncheon a more meaningful event. Each guest will have to bring a gift along with them, as the donors, orphans and elderly will have a gift exchange session
南洋报业基金秉持着过去的精神,今年于 2014 年 11 月 2 日 在喜粤海鲜酒家续 办《孤儿老人知足感恩午宴》,让幸福的人与不幸福的人共聚在一堂,以知足 感恩的心渡过美好的一天。本次媒体合作伙伴为南洋商报,中国报,LifeTV 和 少年月刊,同时南洋报业基金也将邀请宝贝阅读乐园为合作伙伴。

南洋报业基金将邀请 80 位来自不同单位的孤儿院孤儿,80 位生活贫苦或来自老 人院的老人,和 160 位 的社会人士共聚。今年和去年的概念相同,让大众每买 一张票就需要再赞助一张票给孤儿/老 人,买两张票就需要另购两张赞助票,以 此类推。当天午宴,大众和他们所赞助的孤儿老人可以坐在一起,彼此认识, 彼此交流,这样的捐助会比一般来得更有意义。 因为感恩,所以团聚; 因为团 聚,所以更能了解对方的喜怒哀乐,更能了解他们真正需要的是什么。

除此之外,如果大众想要继续帮助他们,捐助 他们将来的生活费或学费的话, 也可以联络该老人院或孤儿院的负责人了解详情。 每位出席者都必须带随一份 礼物。赞助者将与老人孤儿们交换礼物。

此外《孤儿老人知足感恩午宴》也想要传达感恩的讯息,让不幸和幸福的人聚 在一起彼此认识,彼此学习,例如:幸 福的小孩认识了孤儿,就会懂得珍惜当 下感恩父母;孤儿认识了幸福的家庭,就可以感受亲人的温暖;幸福的社会人 士遇见这些孤儿老人,就能为 他们贡献服务;当孤儿老人遇见这些赞助者,也 懂得凭自己那渺小的力量写感谢卡,对他们表示感激。换句话说,每个人都拥 有贡献和服务的能 力,即使那份心意再微小,都可以让周围的人开心。

