有爱。行无碍 无障碍醒觉运动

Everyone has a dream, and the greatest hope of disabled people is to have a barrierfree living environment; they want to live independently without relying on others, and they also want to be a part of the society rather than a burden on society. Disability is not a social problem, discrimination against the disabled is the fundamental problem of this society. Bao Bei Reading Wonderland is honored to collaborate with Yayasan Nanyang Press in bringing good cause to the them as well as contributing to the society.
每个人都有个梦想,而障友们最大的希望即是拥有一个无障碍空间的生活环 境;他们想独立自主不靠他人的过活,他们也想成为这个社会的一份子而不是 社会的负担。残障不是个社会问题,歧视残障才是这个社会的根本问题。 所 以,为了蒲种市能够成为一个无障碍城市,南洋报业基金与美门残障关怀中心 (蒲种分行)联合筹办一场名为《有爱行无碍》无障碍醒觉运动。此活动的目 的是为了指出及改善市内的公共设施以让残障人士能够自由行动。宝贝阅读乐 园很荣幸能与南洋报业基金合作,为社会做出贡献。

