Flood Relief Mission

Many areas on the East Coast are deeply affected by floods, Yayasan Nanyang Press has allocated funds in advance to purchase various relief materials, such as drinking water, food, medicine, bed sheets, etc. to relieve 3,000 victims. Nanyang Newspaper Group's Yayasan Nanyang Press16 Navigation, China Press 5 Hearts Team, Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press Kuantan Office jointly collaborated, and the troops were divided into two groups, respectively to Kuantan and Terrengganu flood-stricken area, distributed supplies to the affected victims to relieve their urgent needs. Yayasan Nanyang Press 16 Navigation convoy and mobile clinic set off midnight. In addition to delivering relief supplies, the volunteer doctors and nurses accompanying the team also provided free clinics for the victims. Bao Bei Reading Wonderland is honored to collaborate with Yayasan Nanyang Press in bringing good cause to the them as well as contributing to the society.
鉴于东海岸多个地区深受水灾所累,南洋报业基金已先行拨款,购买各种救灾 物资,如 食用水,食物,药物、被单等,救济 3000 名灾民。由南洋报业集团 旗下的南洋报业 基金“16 导航”、《中国报》5 心车队、《南洋商报》与《中 国报》关丹办事处联合出击,兵分两路,分别在关丹灿丽园及登州甘马挽水灾 重区,派发物资给受灾的灾民,以解燃眉之急。南洋报业基金 16 导航车队与流 动诊所于凌晨启程,除了载送救济品外,随队的自愿医生与护士也为灾民义 诊。宝贝阅读乐园很荣幸能与南洋报业基金合作,为社会做出贡献。

